Dec 062012

This is the work of Phil Hale. Mostly working in figurative art, his work received recognition through the National Portrait Gallery where he has been awarded various prizes. Initially working soley as an illustrator, he created work for a variety of publications in America, and apprenticed to Rick Berry. Isolated figures are often the subject of his paintings, with stark backgrounds, surreal landscapes, his figures sometimes oddly contorted. He was commissioned to paint the portrait of Tony Blair which hangs in Westminster. His work graces the covers of a mountain of books, including Penguin Classics, where he worked on covers for six Joseph Conrad stories including Heart of Darkness. Hale currently lives and works in London. His artwork has been compiled into 2 publications, including most recently – Goad.

 Posted by at 3:15 pm

  One Response to “Phil Hale”

  1. I think these are great!

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