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Archive for the ‘Greg Simkins’ tag

Illustrations by Greg Simkins

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Greg SimkinsGreg Simikins can defiantly not be faulted for unoriginal work. Each illustration is like a twisted fairytale or something out of a weird dream. How he conjures up these different characters and scenery God only knows. His work is interesting and rich in character. Simkins has been a complete sell out all over the US.

He is now based in California.

Illustrations by Greg:

Greg Simkins
Illustration by Greg Simkins

Greg Simkins
Illustration by Greg Simkins

Greg Simkins - Winter Night
Illustration by Greg Simkins
Name: Winter Night

Illustration by Greg Simkins

Illustration by Greg Simkins
Illustration by Greg Simkins

Illustration by Greg Simkins
Illustration by Greg Simkins

Written by Sascha

May 7th, 2008 at 4:49 pm

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