May 052008

Stephen Wiltshire Stephen Wiltshire was born in London on 24th April, 1974. He is known as “the human camera“.

As a child, Stephen was mute and did not relate to other people. When he was around 3 years old he was diagnosed as autistic. He had no language ability, tantrums and lived entirely in his own world.

At the tender age of five he was sent to a school for children with special needs. Here he began to illustrate. He started with animals, then London buses, and finally buildings. Apparently the drawings showed a great natural skill and excellent perspective – for the first time his natural innate artistry was revealed.

Stephen Wiltshire in Rome

Stephen Wiltshire in Japan – Tokyo

He has been in BBC documentary and exhibited all over the world. He has a awesome memory for imagery and grasp of perspectives. Watch the clips to get a feel for his genius.

Some links:

Stephen Wiltshire Exhibitions 2008

Stephen Wiltshire Gallery

Savant Skills by Wiki